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Week 2 Ethical Dilemma Project

Week 2 Ethical Dilemma Project

Q Week 2: Ethical Dilemma Project: Topic Selection This week you'll select a topic for your Ethical Dilemma Project from the list provided. Define the term you selected from the list and cite the source(s) for the definition. Explain the challenge a business faces and the seriousness of the problem. Write a thesis or purpose statement for the entire paper explaining your goal of identifying and analyzing an ethical dilemma in the workplace. Cite and document the source(s) you use (APA style documentation). This section should be one or two paragraphs. Please use the template labeled Week 2: Ethical Dilemma Project: Topic Selection (Links to an external site.) to complete this assignment. The completed assignment is due at the end of Week 2 and is worth 60 points. Please see the rubric for the grading criteria. Course Project Topics Option 1Option 2Option 3Option 4Option 5Option 6Option 7Option 8 Here is an example: Messy Office Who ever thought that a messy office is an ethical issue? Certainly, there can be health and safety issues from food debris, dust, dirt, and fingerprints left on a desk or computer keyboard (Gourdreau, 2012, para. 11). A cluttered office can trigger mental overload and stress, cause workplace accidents and spills, and contribute to resentment and negative feelings from coworkers (Brooks, 2012). A messy office can also affect productivity, perception, and motivation (Alton, 2017; Brooks, 2014). Research indicates that productivity and profits decline in the face of clutter and chaos (Heydlauff, 2019, para.1). Most everyone would agree that it is in the employer's best interest to provide a working environment free of undue risk of injury or illness. Who is responsible for employees' office space, and what, if anything, should be done, if an employee's office or desk is messy? What exactly is a messy office? Do employees have the right to personalize their office and to be creative in their office space (Winerman, 2013)? What passes for safe today, or in this or that industry, may from some future vantage point, be seen as disgusting or risky by comparison. What is the duty of employees and employers? There may be gray areas about which thoughtful people may disagree as to what is reasonable or customary. This paper will analyze the ethical dilemma of a messy office, explain how the concept must be understood contextually, provide a real case, discuss the ethics and legal issues surrounding this workplace dilemma, and offer some solutions based upon ethical reasoning. References Alton, L. (2017, February 16). The negative relationship between a messy desk and productivity. Retrieved from Brooks, C. (2012, March 12). Employees judged by office cleanliness. Retrieved from Brooks, C. (2014, November 21). What a messy desk does to you. Retrieved from Gourdreau, J. (2012, March 27). The dangers of a messy desk. Retrieved from Heydlauff, P. (2019). Reduce office clutter to increase productivity, efficiency and profitability. ReliablePlant. Noria. Retrieved from,-efficiency-profitability Winerman, L. (2013, October). A messy desk encourages a creative mind, study finds. 44(9), 12. American Psychological Association. Retrieved from Submit your assignment. Rubric Week 2: Project Rubric Week 2: Project Rubric Criteria Ratings Pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDefinition of the Term Provides an extended definition in one or more paragraphs from a reputable source to explain the term; gives details and credits the source 20 to >0.0 pts Full Marks 0 pts No Marks 20 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIssues for the Workplace Explains the challenge, impact, and the seriousness of the ethical problem in the workplace 20 to >0.0 pts Full Marks 0 pts No Marks 20 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThesis or Purpose Statement Explains the writer's goal to identify and analyze this ethical dilemma 10 to >0.0 pts Full Marks 0 pts No Marks 10 pts This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting Factors Uses the APA template provided; documents sources with in-text citations and a references page; reflects clear organization and correct grammar and mechanics; meets length requirement 10 to >0.0 pts Full Marks 0 pts No Marks 10 pts Total Points: 60

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